CBD Benefits List

The Ultimate List of CBD Benefits

If you’re still on the fence about the benefits of CBD, there are numerous studies you can read and consider. These studies have proven, time and again, that CBD is beneficial for people who have anxiety, depression, nausea, and a host of other medical conditions with treatments that have potentially devastating side effects.

Aids in Digestion

Many people around the world experience digestive issues that cannot be completely controlled with diet and exercise alone. Though there are plenty of prescriptions and OTC remedies, these are often harsh and lead to problems of their own. CBD oil not only stimulates the appetite for those who have trouble eating, but it also eases the effects of nausea and vomiting naturally, which is especially useful for patients who are going through chemotherapy and other similar treatments.

Relieves Pain for Many Users

In the human body, the CB1 receptors (cannabinoid receptors) have been shown to create the sensation of pain in many people. By filling those receptors with CBD oil, pain signals are reduced, thus easing pain for patients with acute and chronic conditions that may cause pain. What’s more, because it is a natural anti-inflammatory, it may also help stop pain at the source.

Provides Relief from Anxiety Symptoms

Millions of people around the world deal with anxiety that ranges from mild to crippling. CBD has been proven effective for treating many types of anxiety, but this is especially true for SAD, or generalized social anxiety disorder. A 2011 study found that individuals taking CBD oil received a tremendous reduction in their anxiety when compared to those who took a placebo instead.

May Stop or Slow the Spread of Cancer

Numerous studies on the effects of CBD on cancer have shown profound effects, and even the National Cancer Institute links directly to those studies. Some of these claim that CBD oil may protect against the development of certain types of tumors and cancers in the first place, and others show that patients who have already received cancer diagnoses may be able to slow the growth of their tumors by using CBD oil. One particular study conducted by the California Pacific Medical Center found that CBD may actually deactivate the gene that is responsible for the spread of breast cancer, which means that CBD may stop some types of cancer from metastasizing.

Has Antipsychotic Properties

Last, but most certainly not least, CBD oil may potentially provide better antipsychotic properties than many of the prescription medications that claim to do the same, but create unwanted side effects. A study out of the University of Cologne found that CBD reduces some of the symptoms associated with schizophrenia, which affects just over 1% of the population. Current pharmaceutical options often cannot provide the same reduction, and they create a host of unwanted side effects, such as marked drowsiness and memory lapses.

As you can see, the benefits of CBD in the medical world are many. It seems that with each passing day, science and medicine discovers yet another wonderful use for an all-natural substance that once grew wild all across the earth. Even if you don’t have medical conditions of concern, CBD has also been shown to improve your overall sense of wellbeing, so it’s certainly worth a try.

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