CBD Wholesale

Why CBD Oil for Pain is So Great

People use CBD oil for various reasons, but many of the people who turn to this all-natural remedy do so to get relief from chronic pain. Chronic pain, even when it isn’t severe, can be debilitating. Not only does it prevent people from enjoying their lives to the fullest, but it also causes depression, sleeplessness, and an overwhelming sense of dread. Millions of people experience relief from their chronic pain with the help of CBD, and it works for a variety of reasons.

Some Facts about CBD and Pain Relief

Though there are still some unknowns when it comes to the exact mechanism of CBD in the human body, there are a few things that are certain.

  • CBD has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation in the body, which can indirectly promote pain relief in patients who have inflammatory conditions.
  • CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant, but unlike THC, another cannabinoid from the same plant, it does not promote a feeling of being “high”.
  • CBD is so effective in treating chronic pain that tens of thousands of people have successfully lessened or stopped using opioids in favor of CBD.
  • CBD is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any medical condition, despite overwhelming evidence that millions of people have experienced unsurpassed relief that even pharmaceuticals cannot provide.

How Does CBD Stop Pain?

Studies have shown that CBD can reduce inflammation throughout the body. Because we know that inflammation (swelling) can be a direct cause of pain, reducing that inflammation can thereby reduce pain. Researchers think CBD has an impact on receptors throughout your brain and your immune system. These microscopic receptors exist to receive various signals from hormones and other stimuli, and when these signals are received, the receptors trigger a response. It is thought that CBD, once it binds with these receptors, causes those receptors to stimulate and anti-inflammatory response. It may also produce painkilling effects that lessen the body’s overall “feeling” of pain.

Does it Really Work?

In 2008, a review published in Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management took a look at dozens of studies from the 1980s through 2007. In these studies, people with various conditions were divided into groups. Some were given CBD, some were given pharmaceutical painkillers, and some were given a placebo. The studies all pointed toward CBD being just as effective – if not more effective – than the pharmaceutical options. What’s more, as an unexpected treat, they also found that CBD was the most beneficial at treating sleeplessness that was directly caused by chronic pain.

Other Studies

Other studies show much the same results, such as one conducted on cancerous rats. Per the National Cancer Institute, CBD is one of the most beneficial “medications” for treating the symptoms of chemotherapy that relate to lack of appetite. Another study found that patients using CBD spray in conjunction with their opioids experienced far better pain management than with their opioids alone.

If you have chronic pain, should you try CBD? Considering that it’s legal in all 50 states, there’s no reason you shouldn’t try it. Just be sure to speak with your doctor or pharmacist to check for potential interactions, and be sure you understand the right dose and delivery method for your unique condition, too.


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